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   PRODUCTS  Accessories Equipment of kitchen cabinets and drawers 

We offer accessories which can be used in various kitchen cabinets. These solutions will help to maintain everything clean and help to sustain an order in drawers and kitchen cabinets. All articles can be stored in a safe and convenient manner. In the kitchen, the important elements are the ergonomic of use, functionality, and easy access to each cabinet. In the optimally designed kitchen you can use the whole space.


  • Cargo Systems - the baskets sliding on a special rails, which can find their application in high cabinets, undercounter, corner and hanging cabinets.
  • Systems of internal organization- drawer inserts for cutlery, holders for plates and condiments, laths to high drawers, bins for waste segregation,
  • The lift to the upper cabinets, which lifts the entire contents of the lockers adjusting it to the eyeheight.
  • We offer products from renowned companies such as BLUM, PEKA ,HETTICH.



Showroom 3D
3D designer kitchen showroom